

The signature API is a HTTP-based API which is based on the OASIS Digital Signature Services specification.

The API is accessible on base url for registered organisations. HTTPS is required.

The specified endpoints use JSON as language-independent data format. API Reference documentation is available. It is also possible to download the OpenAPI specification.

The Digital Signature Services (DSS) endpoints allow creating and reading so-called signature sessions. The certificates endpoint allows reading public certificates of a user.


All API endpoints require authentication with a valid bearer access token having the request_signature scope. The client must send the token in the Authorization header when making requests to the API. The tokens are to be requested by a "Signature" client application using a client credentials grant. You can configure this client application for your organisation using the Management Console.

Example HTTP request:

POST /api/sign
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [access-token]



A JSON document containing metadata about the signature service is accessible on the following endpoint:

More information about the metadata format can be found in the OASIS Digital Signature Service Metadata specification.